FREE SHIPPING*Most orders over $500 qualify. Free shipping applies to Barn Door Hardware, Barn Doors, and Pocket Doors over $500. Front doors, interior doors, shower doors, any oversized door (wider than 3ft and taller than 7ft) and any special order doors have shipping costs which are calculated at checkout. Some barn door hardware track lengths do not qualify for free shipping.
Christmas can be the busiest time of the year. There is so much to get done and the pressure to produce the perfect Christmas for your family can be overwhelming. It’s important to stay grounded durin ...
Many people claim fall to be their favorite season and it’s not hard to guess why. The leaves are changing, the weather is that right amount of cold and there are so many holiday activities to look fo ...
Change Your Space This Fall with a Fireplace MantelThe weather starts to cool and the leaves change colors signaling cozy family gatherings in your home. This is the perfect time of year to update you ...
Architectural fireplaces are such a timeless addition to any space and interestingly enough have not changed much in over two hundred years. Fireplaces function as a warm gathering place and a major f ...
This is TOO EASYYou know that person who makes everything look easy and then doesn't hesitate to rub it in by actually telling you "it's too easy"? Yeah I think we all kind of hate that person but sec ...
Rustica has been manufacturing soulful goods for over 15 years now. Located in Art City–Springville, Utah, we pride ourselves on being a true USA manufacturer of home and office products made from scr ...
Rustica was founded in 2006 by husband and wife team Paul and Kate Allen. As high school sweethearts and life long friends, Paul and Kate were married in 2004 and realized right away how much they bot ...
Rustica mantels are constructed from solid knotty alder material.The 1" alder material is machined to precision on the most modern equipment.Once trued and squared the material is glued and clamped by ...
Picking the perfect mantel reminds me of the story of Goldilocks, but a bit more complicated. Typically determining the correct length is easiest decision. The questions of depth and thick ...
Install A Mantel in 3 StepsRustica mantels are durable and beautiful.Our craftsmen customize each mantels finish and texture to your preference.In 3 steps you can easily install this handmade pi ...