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FREE SHIPPING*Most orders over $500 qualify. Free shipping applies to Barn Door Hardware, Barn Doors, and Pocket Doors over $500. Front doors, interior doors, shower doors, any oversized door (wider than 3ft and taller than 7ft) and any special order doors have shipping costs which are calculated at checkout. Some barn door hardware track lengths do not qualify for free shipping.
The world's most trusted source for designer doors & hardware

The Adjustable Spacer

Tuesday October 27th, 2020
Our Adjustable Spacer is an essential piece to every barn door install. This simple piece of hardware allows you to adjust the distance between your barn door track and the wall it’s hanging on, leaving the perfect amount of room for a graceful glide. This patented technology was created and designed right here at Rustica to simplify the barn door installation process for you! With this adjustable spacer you no longer need to worry about finding the perfectly sized spacer for your unique barn door location.

Our Adjustable Spacer expands from 1.25”-2.5”, anything larger will need to be upgraded to our Heavy Duty Spacer which is offered in sizes ranging from 2.75"-3.75". The formula to find the correct size of space you'll need between the wall and your barn door track is, your door thickness + your trim/baseboard thickness. Having the correct amount of space between the wall and your barn door track will allow you to slide your barn door open and close with ease! Click here to shop our Adjustable Spacer!

If you have any other questions regarding our spacers, don’t hesitate to ask! Contact us at 800-891-8312 and a member of our service team will be happy to assist you!

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