Howdy there!
Let me introduce the founder of Rustica Hardware: "Kate" Allen. Her kids don't really know it yet but she is an incredibly talented business woman. That's right, she is "momma" to 4 beautiful children. Kate started Rustica 10 years ago, last September, with her oldest daughter on her hip at every move. I was out, doing who knows what, trying to make my mark. She built it year after year without skipping a moment of teaching, playing with, crying with, nurturing and loving her children. All the while, her motivation for success was to create an avenue for me to use my talents (being creative). I have the best job, kids and wife this side of the Milky Way and I owe it to her. In behalf of our children I want to tell her how proud she should feel to carry the most honored title of "mother".
In honor of Kate and all of you amazing mothers out there, take 15% off your order now through Monday. Use coupon code: MD2017.
Please enjoy my amateur phone video of Kate beating up one of our doors behind an army wrecker for Rustica's 10 year anniversary celebration. The door now hangs sturdy as ever in our home with scratches and all!
Paul Allen
CEO / Co-founder