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Customizable Metal Barn Door

Customizable Metal Barn Door
Shown in Flat Black Finish with the Buck Hardware and Carriage Pull in a Flat Black finish. Handle shown on the left side.

Customizable Metal Barn Door


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Customizable Metal Barn Door

This is a steel framed door with a grid and kick plate overlay customizable to the pattern you desire.  It is not built as a true divided pane. The door can be either glass or wood with several glass styles and wood finish options. The Customizable Metal Barn Door can be customized by grid, finish, glass style, and size. Customize the amount of windows you'd like vertically and horizontally along with the height of the doors kick plate.

Inspired by the French Renaissance.  "French Doors" are doors with bigger glass areas and were intended to maximize natural lighting as indoor lighting was limited to candles, lamps and furnaces. Neighboring countries were quick to adopt this design, giving credit to the French Renaissance by calling it, quite simply, “French Doors”

Prefer this door style without the grids?
Here is the Suite Barn Door

We have lots of variations of the French Barn Door.
Don't see the exact grid pattern you are looking for?
Create your own with the Customizable Metal Barn Door

Barn door comes included with shown handle options
Customize the finish of your frame and grid as well as the glass.
Choose your width and height
Designed & crafted entirely in the USA

Door thickness: 1.5 in
Back side is similar to the front with the only difference being the removeable stops

Sample image shown with the following options:

2 horizontal windows
3 vertical windows
18 inch kick plate

See the supplemental images for other ideas and more explanation of the window pattern and kick plate size.

*Note this door has a steel frame, it is highly recommended to order this door ONLY with the Rustica Hardware offered on this page.

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What makes this a "French" door?

Inspired by the French Renaissance. "French Doors" are doors with bigger glass areas and were intended to maximize natural lighting as indoor lighting was limited to candles, lamps and furnaces. Neighboring countries were quick to adopt this design, giving credit to the French Renaissance by calling it, quite simply, “French Doors”

What hangers work with this door?

Due to the style of the metal frame this door only uses top mount hangers.

Why can't I choose from your wide variety of handle styles?

Since most of the handles we offer require drilling or screwing into wood and this door is a metal frame, they are not compatible with this door. We have several front and back combo handles that attach to the metal frame.

Without the wood frame and the groove in the bottom, what keeps this door from swinging away from the wall?

We offer "U" shaped door guides (floor and wall install options) that "hug" the door is a practical solution.

Does this door look the same on the back?

Yes. However you will notice a small difference. The backside has removable stops in case the glass needs to be replaced.

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