There is no denying that double French doors create a classic look in your home. French doors have withstood the test of time. Becoming popular in the 17th century, this design has never gone out of style. To this day, people are still adding them to their homes. When adding French doors, you need to make sure you’ll have enough space for your doors to swing. Unfortunately, this limits where you will be able to install your french doors.
A simple solution to this dilemma is Rustica’s Bi-Parting French Doors. Bi-parting doors slide against your wall on a track. This allows you to save space without sacrificing style. Installing bi-parting doors saves you more than 10 square feet of clearance. Using bi-parting french doors gives you the opportunity to have that timeless french door look in the tightest of spaces.
Installing your bi-parting French doors is a simple process. First, you will measure for your track and then attach it to the wall. You will then add the door hangers to your bi-parting doors and slide the door hanger wheel onto the track. Once the doors are installed, you can choose to add door guides and/or anti-jump brackets.
The ever-enduring French door style is continually sought after. With bi-parting French doors, there is no need to give up that desired look just because space is tight. Bi-parting French doors look beautiful open or closed and installing them is a simple way to Change Your Space.
As always, if you need help with any projects or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. Keep an eye out for next week’s Change Your Space!
For a PDF version of how to install a bi-parting track system, click here.
For more information about how to install a barn door hanger, click here.