We know you have questions and who better to answer them then our expert craftsmen! Our builders have taken some frequently asked questions and answered them in as much detail as possible. Each week we will be having one of our experts answer a question in our series Answered by Our Experts.
Rustica has a very mom and pop feel, which is why we are continually asked whether we ship to certain states. We only have one location, so we understand why people ask so often. We’re located in the small town of Springville, Utah, but we’re known nationwide! Our expert in Logistics expounds a little more about shipping below!
Do We Ship Nationwide?
Yes, we regularly ship to all 50 states and Canada. We can ship anywhere in the world on an individual quote basis.
All doors are shipped in wood crates built with 2x4, 2x6, or 2x10 lumber and sheets of OSB. We place 1/2" foam on the bottom of the crate then wrap the door in a layer of bubble wrap. The crates are usually oversized to make room for Headers, Tracks, and misc hardware. Wood braces are used if needed to keep the doors from shifting during transportation.
-Rodney Downs, Logistics Coordinator
Rustica is one of the only places that offers mass customization. We know that this is a unique service, so we want to be able to share that with everyone! We can guarantee shipping any in the states, but we are continually working on finding ways to offer our product to customers overseas.
We hope you’ve learned something from this week’s Answered by Our Experts if you have a question you want answered, share it with us! Who knows, maybe yours will be featured on our next Answered by Our Experts blog post.