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3 Fun Holiday DIY Projects

Tuesday November 17th, 2020
Looking for a fun DIY project while your home for the holidays? Well you’ve come to the right spot! We’ve put together a list of three super fun DIY projects you can easily do in the comfort of your own home! Take a look!

1. Entry Room Bench + Shoe Rack

The Entry Room Bench + Shoe Rack is a simple DIY project that will change the look of your entryway in seconds! This DIY kit comes with everything you need for a seamless assembly, from the steel pieces to the wood top. Once assembled this beautiful bench/shoe rack is 50” long, 12 ⅜” wide, and 22” tall. Hold up to 42 pairs of shoes with this stunning design and have fun putting it together. This entryway staple piece will keep your space looking organized and put together!

2. Barn Door

Installing or building a barn door is another great DIY Project while you’re home for the holidays! Barn Doors are simple to install and enhance the look and feel of your space in minutes. We offer several different barn door and barn door hardware styles perfect for any style of home! Grab a buddy, take an hour out of your day, and install a beautiful piece of functional art, you won’t regret it! Barn doors look especially great accompanied by holiday decor!

3. Fireplace Mantel

Fireplace mantels are an essential piece to holiday decorating and the make for a fun DIY project! Adding a fireplace mantel to your living room gives you somewhere to hang stockings and another location to place holiday decor. Mantels are super easy to install and they will make your living room look and feel more warm and homey for the holidays. We offer a series of mantels in different finishes and textures perfect for matching the look and design of your space!

Being stuck at home for the holidays isn’t all bad, especially when you have some fun DIY projects to do to get you and family in the holiday spirit! Tag us on Instagram and Facebook @rusticahardware in all of your finished DIY project looks!

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